Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hungary

Dóra PÁL-Kovács PhD


2020 PhD in ethnography
2014–2017 PhD student
”Babeş–Bolyai” University, Faculty of Letters, Hungarian Department of Ethnography and Anthropology
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2011–2014 University of Szeged, Department of Enthnology and Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology of dance
(MA degree)
Core unites: Antopology of dance, Folcloristic of dance, Labanotation, History of Dance
2008–2011 University of Szeged, Department of Enthnology and Cultural Anthropology
(BA degree)
Core unites: european ethnology, Hungarian and comparative folcloristic, Hungarian and comparative ethnography, research metodology, Culturel antropology
2004–2008 Bezerédj István Trade and Economics Secondary School
1996–2004 Babits Mihály Bilingual High Scool
Special german class


2015– professional rapportuer
Intangible Cultural Heritage Department
Open Air Museum (Szentendre)


  • 2012–2014
    Researcher intern
    The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Centre for the Humanities Intitute for Musycology
  • 2010
    Professional practice
    The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Centre for the Humanities Intitute for Musycology (Budapest Hungary)
  • 2009
    Museum of Völgység (Bonyhád, Hungary)


  • 2012–
    Gender studies in a transylvanian village, Magyarózd
    (The two main question of my research are: Which depth of autonomy is it provided for women at the couple dances from Magyarózd? How could we define more precisely relationship between the sexes at the folk-dance?)


  • April 2013
    Intensive Erasmus Programme of Dance Ethnocoreology and Dance Anthopology. Dance Knoledge, Movements of Dance
    Norvegian Univerity of Sciense and Technology
    Norway, Trondheim
  • April 2010
    Intensive Erasmus Programme of Dance Ethnocoreology and Dance Anthopology. Dance Knowledge
    Norvegian Univerity of Sciense and Technology
    Norway, Trondheim


  • 2015
    Guest speaker
    The Dance in the Mirror of the Individual Time
    Time-interpretations in the Hungarology
    University of Pécs
  • 2015
    Guest speaker
    Bal of Carnival at Magyaród
    Kriza János Ethogpraphic Society, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • 2015
    Guest speaker
    The problems of the research of the gender roles in a dance tradition of a village in Malozsa-valley
    Methodological days in Szeged
    Folkdance - Connection of the theory and the practice
    Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra, Szeged
  • 2014
    Guest speaker
    “Woman’s view” - The women’s freedom in the couple dances of Magyarózd
    Look for your woman!
    Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest
  • 2014
    Guest speaker
    “Women’s view’ - Analysis and interpretation in the couple dances in Magyarózd (Transylvania)
    Local Dance as Knowledge, Practice and Heritage, Choreomundus Symposium
    The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology, Budapest 21-23. November
  • 2014
    Guest Lecturer
    “Women’s view” - Analysis and interpretation of couple dance in Magyarozd(Trancsylvania)
    University of Szeged, Department of Enthnology and Cultural Anthropology
    Course of Dance and Society
  • 2013
    Guest speaker
    The women’s view at research of dance
    Creation - Reception - Criticism about the dance of arts, the pedagology of dance, and the research of dance.
    Research presented at the 4th Conferens of science of dance at Hungarian Dance Academy, Budapest, 8-9. November.


  • 2014-
    Hungarian Etnocoreology Society, Budapest
  • 2014-
    Kriza János Ethogpraphic Society


  • Hungarian - Native language
  • German - Intermediate level (B2)
  • English - Intermediate level (B2)
  • French - Conversation level Romanian - Beginner level

Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO
Elemér Muharay Folk Art Assosiation
Assosiation of Hungarian Folk Artists
Institute of Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Kriza János Ethnographic Society
Hungarian Ethnographic Society
Museum of Ethnography
Hungarian Heritage House
National Cultural Institute