Artisan fishing in the lower Danube region

Artisan fishing in the lower Danube region (2013)

The artisan fishing here means the fishery with special homemade tools at the Danube River and its tributaries, flood plains (low water) and water areas. The riverside villages at the lower, Hungarian section of the Danube (between Dunaföldvár and Mohács) were encompassed by the Danube and the Fok River branches as an island.

The riverside area of the Danube is divided by water areas with different depths and extensions, which were filled with water due to the floods of the river several times a year. To prepare the tools (boat, square fishing-net, cast-net, fish-pot, etc.), to love and know the water nature and the mode of life  of fish as well as the awareness of the activities related to fishing and the conservation of the aquatic environment are essential parts of the so-called ’small-tooled’, rower, artisan fishing. The cherishing of the traditions connected with the above presented fishing method and the organization of events as well as the community building and to present and introduce all of these things to the youth are also important parts of the artisan fishing in the lower Danube region.

Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO
Elemér Muharay Folk Art Assosiation
Assosiation of Hungarian Folk Artists
Institute of Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Kriza János Ethnographic Society
Hungarian Ethnographic Society
Museum of Ethnography
Hungarian Heritage House
National Cultural Institute