Methodology of the course “hungarian folk tales - traditional storytelling” and its practice of transmission
Methodology of the course “hungarian folk tales - traditional storytelling” and its practice of transmission
The course entitled “Hungarian Folk Tales - Traditional Storytelling” developed by the Hungarian Heritage House is a professional folklore methodology that provides a theoretical, practical and methodological knowledge necessary for an authentic, stylish performance of the Hungarian folk tale within the framework of 60 hours of training. Its aim is to operate a methodology that allows the revival of live storytelling and dissemination as widely as possible.
The course focuses on the natural, oral existence of folk tales and the characteristics formed by oral tradition. The goal is to involve as many Hungarian storytellers in Hungary and across the border as possible. In order to promote storytelling, various events, camps, exhibitions, conferences, trainings and storytelling competitions are organized. As a result, the “Meseszó” Hungarian Storytelling and Text Folklore Association was established, storytelling groups of friends were organized, and a professional relationship was established between the nationally operating Folk Tale Points and the Hungarian Heritage House.
The responsible institution for the professional coordinating of the UNESCO Convention in Hungary:
Directorate of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Hungarian Open Air Museum