The Rajkó Method − Musical Training for Talented Romany Children from the Basics to Stage Performance
The Rajkó Method − Musical Training for Talented Romany Children from the Basics to Stage Performance
The Rajkó Method makes immortal the tradition of the Hungarian folk music culture and the Hungarian-Romany music culture which adapts to the style of Wien.
The Rajkó Method imported the knowledge preserved by Gypsy musician dynasties into the education system. The antecedent was the Rajkó Orchestra establishment of Talentum Art School in 1990, when the art activity and the art education separated from each other. The students are admitted based on talent scouting and they obtain secondary educational level and higher educational outcome is also guaranteed for them. The joint performances are supporting, inspiring and also provide them stage practice on international levels. The cultural and social mission of the Rajkó Method is the representation of the Hungarian Gypsy music’s classical line and also to demise it in a complex system.
The responsible institution for the professional coordinating of the UNESCO Convention in Hungary:
Directorate of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Hungarian Open Air Museum